Functor Fault

I am Valentino Giudice, an Italian guy with an interest in computering born in 1996.

This is my personal blog.

Happy Public Domain Day 2025!

by Valentino Giudice on

This blog post is dedicated to the public domain through CC0. I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. The 1st of January is Public Domain Day: the day in which a new batch of works enters the public domain and becomes free for all to build upon, promoting progress, culture and creativity. My first blog post on Public Domain Day was in 2024. This is my second one.

On freedom of expression

by Valentino Giudice on

In this blog, post I will outline my take on freedom of speech and of expression. I will use the two phrases interchangeably, or closely to it, to refer to the right to engage in acts of speech, in a rather broad sense, not limited to verbal language. I will first discuss my understanding of the relationship between this freedom and the law. I will then briefly consider some other specific aspects of freedom of expression.

Happy Public Domain Day 2024!

by Valentino Giudice on

This blog post is dedicated to the public domain through CC0. I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. The 1st of January is Public Domain Day: the day in which a new batch of works enters the public domain and becomes free for all to build upon, promoting progress, culture and creativity. The public domain Original artistic and literary works of authorship are covered by copyright (or “author’s rights”) from the moment they exist in a tangible medium.

Free and Open Source Software

by Valentino Giudice on

I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. You have probably heard of free and open source software before. Software plays an increasingly relevant role in our lives. We delegate important tasks to computers. We store our memories, along with critical personal information, as well as assets we’ve worked for tens of hours on, on our digital devices. We use them to communicate, to trade, to work, to stay informed and to entertain ourselves.

Hello, World!

by Valentino Giudice on

Hello, world! I am Valentino Giudice, an Italian guy with an interest in computering born in 1996. You are reading the first post on my personal blog. This website is a tool at my complete disposal for me to exercise my freedom of speech. Here, I write and do as I please. Unless clearly stated otherwise, my articles on this blog are only meant to represent my views at the time of writing.